Lunar Living eBook
In our patriarchal educational system we’ve been taught life is linear and we’re separate from the world outside of us.
But the wise womben know we’re an intimate part of nature and are in no way separate from her.
I believe you deserve a menstrual cycle education that is rooted in scientific understanding and spiritual truth.
No matter what your previous experience of menstruation is, I believe you have the power to transform your relationship to your cycle.
You deserve to learn how to use your period as a source of power and with this ebook, I’ll show you how.
The way we run from our menstruation, is a direct reflection of the way we run from the deepest parts of ourselves...

This Is Your Birthright
You deserve to find the POWER you hold within.
The cycle of menstruation represents the deepest parts of ourselves. As children we’re initiated into womanhood through the cycle of menstruation.
The ceremony that brings us into this "new" way of being.
But if you're like me, upon receiving your period you were met with indifference, confusion and shame.
I was not taught about the spiritual connection between my cycle and my soul. And after working with 1000s of wise womben I know you weren’t either.
By not receiving the information and education we deserve around the sacred menstrual cycle, we’ve been conditioned to hide or suppress what comes so naturally.
This book - the Lunar Living eBook - will give you the education you never received.
With this NEW knowledge I know you’ll be able to choose the relationship you want to have with your body, and begin to understand your unique relationship with mother nature herself.

Rediscover Your Cyclical Nature
Align yourself with your innermost energy and
live a life from a place of deep authenticity
Just as the seasons exist outside of us - winter, spring, summer and fall - those same seasons occur within us too.

Just as Mother Nature goes through a process of death, release and rebirth, so too do we.

And it’s by embracing this embodiment of the seasons within ourselves that we learn to embrace what is shedding, dying and rebirthing within us.

By gaining greater knowledge of the intricacies of your cycle you will be able to learn how to flow with your cycle.

And this is how you’ll do it...
Uncovering The Hidden HERstory Of Menstruation
If you’re anything like I used to be - shamed and embarrassed by my monthly bleeds - you’ve probably never heard the true HERstory of menstruation.

By uncovering the truth of your menstruation and why you’ve been led to have these feelings of embarrassment towards the most natural expression of ourselves, you’ll begin to reclaim the power that lies within your menstruation.
Alchemizing The Science And The Sacred
I dive deep into the four unique phases of the menstrual cycle: Follicular, Ovulatory, Luteal and Menstrual.

You’ll uncover scientific, hormonal and physical changes in the body. As well as a deep understanding of the spiritual and energetic shifts that also occur.
Unlocking Specific Integration Rituals
For each phase of the cycle, you’ll learn sacred rituals to integrate into your life. These can be used as a vehicle towards learning more about your unique nature and the energy of each phase of the cycle.
Discovering Made-For-You Diet Information
With specific recipes for each cycle, food recommendations and handy grocery checklists you’ll be able to give your body everything it needs for each unique phase.

By nourishing your body effectively you can support your body to function in the most harmonious way.

After all, we’re all cyclical beings and need to understand how to nourish ourselves throughout the different phases of our menstrual cycle.
UNEARTHING HOLISTIC Balance Alongside Your Cycle
Even though we’re cyclical beings, we’re expected to show up with the same energy and insight day after day - without a second thought to how we’re doing on the inside.
But no more, I break down the phases and allow you to plan your life around the subtle ebbs and flows of your cycle. By doing this you can boost your creativity and productivity without burning yourself out.
"The new Lunar Living eBook breaks down each individual  phase of the  menstrual cycle in an accessible way and shares the hormonal, emotional, and spiritual changes that take place during each unique phase."
"I loved this book and wish this wisdom had been available to me sooner. I am past the menopause but think young girls would love this"

- Janette, United Kingdom -
"Thank you for bringing science and intuition together in this amazing guide to reconnect to our wombs and cycles in such a simple and loving way."

- Elizabeth, Canada -

Lunar Living Is For You If...
  • ​You’re seeking to harness your creativity by living in harmony with your cycle
  • ​You feel shame or disconnection towards your menstruation .
  • ​You experience painful periods or are numb in your womb-space .
  • ​You’re on hormonal birth control and want to know what that means for your body.
  • ​​You have fibrosis, cysts or trouble with fertility.
  • ​You’re ready to trace the connection between the mind, body and spirit.
  • ​​You’d like to deepen your understanding of how to use your menstrual cycle as a central guiding force in your spiritual practice.
  • ​You’re ready to trace the connection between the mind, body and spirit.
I want you to know there’s a different way of understanding what your body is trying to tell you. This eBook is here to help you decipher the deeper wisdom you have within you.

Lunar Living Is For You If...
  • ​You’re seeking to harness your creativity by living in harmony with your cycle
  • ​You feel shame or disconnection towards your menstruation .
  • ​You experience painful periods or are numb in your womb-space .
  • ​You’re on hormonal birth control and want to know what that means for your body.
  • ​​You have fibrosis, cysts or trouble with fertility.
  • ​You’re ready to trace the connection between the mind, body and spirit.
  • ​​You’d like to deepen your understanding of how to use your menstrual cycle as a central guiding force in your spiritual practice.
  • ​You’re ready to trace the connection between the mind, body and spirit.
I want you to know there’s a different way of understanding what your body is trying to tell you. This eBook is here to help you decipher the deeper wisdom you have within you.


Why is Menstrual Cycle Awareness Important?
Our menstrual cycle represents all that is unseen and unconscious within us. And that’s why - for us - this education is one of the pillars of revolution we need in this world.  When we learn how to live in harmony with our cycle, we learn to embrace ourselves.
Just to Recap...
When you buy the Lunar Living eBook you’ll get all this.
  • ​Lifetime access and access across ALL devices
  • ​Revolutionary menstrual cycle education 
  • ​Integration exercises for each phase of your cycle
  • ​Journal prompts and questions for integration
  • ​Dietary recommendations for each phase
  • ​Recipes specifically created for each phase
  • ​[BONUS] The hidden HERstory of menstruation
  • ​[BONUS] How to align your life and business with your cycle
Why is Menstrual Cycle Awareness Important?
Our menstrual cycle represents all that is unseen and unconscious within us. And that’s why - for us - this education is one of the pillars of revolution we need in this world.  When we learn how to live in harmony with our cycle, we learn to embrace ourselves.
Just to Recap...
When you buy the Lunar Living eBook you’ll get all this.
  • ​Lifetime access and access across ALL devices
  • ​Revolutionary menstrual cycle education 
  • ​Integration exercises for each phase of your cycle
  • ​Journal prompts and questions for integration
  • ​Dietary recommendations for each phase
  • ​Recipes specifically created for each phase
  • ​[BONUS] The hidden HERstory of menstruation
  • ​[BONUS] How to align your life and business with your cycle

Frequently Asked Questions
Once you complete your purchase, you’ll be sent an email with a link to the eBook pdf. You’ll be able to read it on any computer, tablet or smartphone.
Once you complete your purchase, you’ll have the option to download the eBook. This will allow you to read the eBook while offline.
Due to immediate access and nature of the product, we do not issue refunds for the Lunar Living eBook.
You'll be able to reach out to the team anytime by emailing

Frequently Asked Questions
Once you complete your purchase, you’ll be sent an email with a link to the eBook pdf. You’ll be able to read it on any computer, tablet or smartphone.
Once you complete your purchase, you’ll have the option to download the eBook. This will allow you to read the eBook while offline.
Due to immediate access and nature of the product, we do not issue refunds for the Lunar Living eBook.
You'll be able to reach out to the team anytime by emailing
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